Colorblind: Don't let the beat Drop

Goudy wants to travel abroad to take part in an intensive dance program, called Black Noir. Unfortunately, financial difficulties are impacting her dream becoming a reality. I remember this struggle, and I continue to live it. Access to higher level education for black and brown students remains limited to a small population, and let's not discuss graduation rates. The situation is improving, but graduate and professional students continue to face increasing financial challenges, resulting in the potential for a post-grad future laden with debt and the impossibility of access to all the facets of a quality education.
I encouraged Jazelynn to share her story, because I understand how important a well-rounded academic career is to a student of color. As black women, we continue to live and function on the margins, so increasing instances of global academic engagement is key to positive identity formation and construction of the road to equal access.

My name is Jazelynn Goudy. I am finishing my first year of graduate school at The Ohio State University where I am in the pursuit of obtaining an MFA in dance. This summer I have the wonderful opportunity to attend Ecole des Sables 6 week summer intensive entitled Black Noir 2 in Toubab Dialo, Senegal (West Africa). There I will be in an environment where I can dive deep and center myself with my craft. There are several classes that teach traditional and contemporary African dance. The Ecole des Sables, an international center for training and creation in traditional and contemporary dances in Africa, is both a theoretical and practical school, a research laboratory, and a place for meetings and exchanges, conferences and art residencies.
Attending this will mean the world to me. All that I do with and around dance I give it back. Whether it be in my dancing, mentorship, teaching, etc. It's my duty to share the wonderful experience with anyone willing to listen. I'm asking you all to help me with the cost of this intensive. To attend it cost 2160 euro (~2400 USD). Food, classes, housing, and other things included. Air Fare runs between $1500 USD. The total is roughly$4000. If you could support me, financially or by sharing anything you can give will be much appreciated

This year has financially been rough. I had to, and still am, searching for money to fund my second year of graduate school. I've applied to every GAA, GTA, GRA position on campus as well as grants and scholarships. I've only obtained one scholarship, and that was after me begging my department for something. Part of this scholarship I used to pay for the intensive. The rest (airfare, and extra food on the way) is paid through me. I did a fundraiser through the site [Go Fund Me] to see if people would support me, and many have. I am ever grateful. This trip is not only research and dance base, but for me to center myself and my artistry in an environment with no distractions or influence (negatively). Again any bit counts.
Please help me advance my studies and artistry with a dance intensive of a lifetime.
If you want to connect with Jazelynn, please do so here. If you wish to contribute to her education, you may click here.
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